DIY Barbell Jack

A must-have for anyone that needs to load more than 1 set of 45s on the deadlift. Save some money, and save your back by constructing your own barbell jack. You'll need 1 piece of hardwood and a saw. The first step is to put some 45s on a barbell on the floor and measure the distance between the the barbell grip (not the sleeve where the weights go, the part that you hold) and the floor. The distance for me was just shy of 8". This will tell you how high you need your jack to lift the barbell off the ground. Add half an inch to this height and you should be good. After cutting the barbell notch out of my wood the height came out to 8 and 5/8". The notch is the only important cut you need to make, the rest you can make as funky as you want.

Barbell jack dimensions
Barbell jack dimensions
Action shot
Action shot